It’s a MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD world

The things we marketing folk convince ourselves are true.
That everyone should target everyone in the category.
That all a brand needs is distinctiveness.
That people want a relationship with your brand.
That media choice is more important than creativity.
That calling it ‘content’ doesn’t turn it into a commodity.
That people don’t mind agreeing to cookies.
That every generation is different.
That people are fascinated by features.
That new technology will change everything.
That marketing principles need regular reinvention.
That an insight is any interesting piece of information.
That qualitative research is a luxury.
That social purpose is a good way to make money.
That advertising creates culture.
That anyone can have a great idea.
That volume is more important than margin.
That promises don’t need a reason to believe.
I could go on but I’m tired.