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See that dot on the horizon?


Can you make out what it is? You never know, it could be human.


But you can’t tell what it’s doing. And you’ve no idea why.


Only one thing to do.


Move closer.


First mile or two, you go through some weird sci-fi landscape with synthetic respondents answering questions from robots. You keep your eyes forward.


Next you find fields of data waiting to be harvested, the land of the Evidencers. There are laws here and everybody knows ‘em. If you tell tales of emotional connection, they laugh at you pityingly.


It feels better when you reach the rolling graphs of the Quanties. Here there’s brave talk of meaningful difference alongside salience. The world makes sense again.


And you like it here, they’re sensible and helpful. But the answers are only as good as the questions asked. So you bid farewell and promise you’ll be back.


You cross the river and now you’re into Bias territory. Behavioural economics. Psychology in a business suit.


But somehow there are no people. The way we think and feel reduced to two systems, which everyone agrees don’t really exist but it’s easier to believe that they do.


And then you’re back on holy ground. As the clouds part and the sun bursts through, you can see that dot is an actual person. Someone doing things in a certain way with his or her own particular goals, explicit or implicit.


The Qualie world seems smaller than you remember.


Viewing facilities have shut up shop for the last time. No more late-night drives home from Sunbury or Slough.


Fewer recruiters want strangers trampling through their homes. And the hosts they used to find are harder and harder to find.


So it’s Zoom to the rescue. Not so much respondents as thumbnail portraits waiting their turn to speak. Like behavioural economics, it’s easier, but it isn’t better.


Finally, you’re in the room. You’re right there with living, breathing souls and a moderator who knows what they’re doing.


The only rule here is the fewer the better. Sometimes get people on their own or in pairs, but more often in threes and fours. Time to get to know everyone individually but also so they can feed off each other in a discussion.


Maybe you’re even brave enough to ask the questions yourself. We call that Closeness. It’s best done one-to-one, either where people use what you sell or shop for it, the two moments of truth.


Because it’s true, of course. You are not the customer. Learning that is Lesson No.1 in marketing. Remembering it is Lesson No.2.


But marketing needs empathy.


And empathy only happens when you put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Ideally, the moment they’ve taken them off.


So you have to be there.

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