DRUNK on insight

One question in marketing has always interested me the most.
What do we want?
All of us.
Because that’s what we pay more for.
Which creates a brand. And a business.
I’ve been all round the houses on the subject.
If you’ve ever read my stuff, you’ll know I get led astray from time to time.
But I always find my way back to the start.
The point.
Which is what I believe.
That deeper needs make stronger brands.
I know, I know, marketing debates can be heavy-going.
Acquire or retain?
Outside-in or inside-out?
Distinctiveness or differentiation?
Market share or profit?
Or or and?
So often, I’m not sure.
So I wander and wonder.
It’s certainly a wonderful way to earn a living, that’s for sure.
Does anyone have more fun than marketeers?
(Be a marketeer, much more fun than being a marketer.)
And I need to remember to write proper sentences that don’t start with an and.
And paragraphs with more than one sentence. Like this one. With verbs.
But I’ll keep going as long as anyone keeps reading.
In the meantime, back to the point.
Deeper needs make stronger brands.
So what does your target want?
Over and above what everyone in the category wants?
A particular need or motivation of theirs?
That your brand can deliver?
Better than your competitors?
Such a good question.